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Cavanaugh History

Foundation and Early Years

Cavanaugh School District #81 was established in 1895 to serve students in grades 1-8. The Methodist Church in Cavanaugh generously deeded two acres, including a one-room white-framed building for use as both the school and a residence for the school teacher. This building also served as a venue for Sunday church activities and various social events in the community.

Expansion and Development

In 1916, a new two-story red brick building was constructed. This building featured two downstairs classroom and an upper-floor auditorium, with grades 1-6 on the first floor and grades 7-8 on the second floor. The building was heated by coal and supplied with water from a small well. A high school program was introduced later, with the first graduating class in 1928 consisting of two students. Over time, the school saw significant renovations, including the addition of a library, lunchroom, and extra classrooms, all made possible by donations from the Cavanaugh community.


Consolidation and Changes

Due to financial challenges, a shortage of teachers, and declining high school enrollment, the decision was made to consolidate Cavanaugh District #81 with the Fort Smith Public Schools. This consolidation was finalized in 1950. Cavanaugh continued to serve grades 1-9 until then, after which it focused on grades 1-6.

Modern Era

In 1963, a new building was opened, and the original 1916 structure was removed when Beard Elementary opened. Beard began serving students from the Cavanaugh community on the east side of Highway 271. Kindergarten was introduced at Cavanaugh in 1973. In 2004, additional land was acquired for expanded play space and future development.

Aerial view of Cavanaugh Elementary campus from the corner

Recent Enhancements

The Fort Smith School District has added nine new classrooms, a new office complex, and a new library to the Cavanaugh campus. The school now serves Pre-K through 6th grades and has become a showcase school.

Across the street, the former mobile home park has been transformed into Cavanaugh Park. The park includes a walking trail, pavilion, ball fields, and exercise equipment, benefiting both the school and the community. Support for the park’s development came from friends, Partners in Education, grants, and the Cavanaugh PTA, which recently funded a new fence to further improve the park.

Cavanaugh Park
cavanaugh park pavilion and bench